
To help you get acquainted with our business, we have collected here some acronyms and phrases that are part of our everyday work.

Tomography and X-ray imaging

CT Computed Tomography
NDT Non Destructive Testing
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging, not in our focus.
SI Statistical Inversion. Bayesian approach to inverse problems, where all model variables are handled as random variables.
FBP Filtered Back Projection, a technique that is used in FDK algorithm.
FDK The algorithm of Feldkamp, David, Kress (1984) is a basic and traditional back-projection algorithm for three-dimensional image reconstruction from cone-beam projections.
ART, SART, MART (Multiplicative / Simultaneous) algebraic Reconstruction Technique. These are iterative tomographic reconstruction algorithms.
OSEM Ordered-Subsets Expectation Maximization, iterative method used in computer tomography.
MCMC Markov Chain Monte Carlo method, used in statistical inversion theory.
PSIG Parallel Statistical Inversion alGorithm. Advanced reconstruction method by Eigenor.

Computed Radiography. Refers to X-ray radiography that uses an imaging plate instead
of X-ray film. Image is acquired using a CR scanner.

DR Digital Radiography. X-ray projections are acquired directly with a digital sensor. Basic
feature in CT imaging devices. Also sometimes referred to Direct Radiography.
FPD Flat Panel Detector. 
PACS Picture Archiving and Communication System, an image storage and communication
system mostly for medical images.
FoV Field of view
Voxel Volume element. Three-dimensional cube of data. 
IP Imaging Plate
CAT Computerized axial tomography scan



PRT, PRF, PRI Pulse Repetition Time, Pulse Repetition Frequency, Pulse Repetition Interval. These all describe how often a pulse in sent from radar in different metrics.
SMPRF Simultaneous Multi Pulse Repetition Frequency, also a trademark of Eigenor.
Single-PRI, Multi-PRI (/PRT/PRF) There are a few differences if we speak about multi-PRT or multi-PRF pulsing schemes. Mainly, time intervals (example: T¹, T² and T³) between pulses are differently sequenced:
Multi-PRF: T1, T1, T1, T1, T2, T2, T2, T2, T3, T3, T3, T3 and repeat
Multi-PRT: T1, T2, T3, T1, T2, T3, T1, T2, T3, T1, T2, T3 and repeat
This will make a difference in signal handling and enables or disables some features depending on the scheme. Generally speaking, Multi-PRT scheme can be considered more advantageous.
DSP Digital Signal Processing ( When we speak about it in radar contexts, we usually mean analog to digital conversions and filtering that is done on hardware.
I/Q data Radar data that is represented as complex values in digital format. Input for our radar software.
GC Ground Clutter, powerful echo that earth and other nearby targets (e.g. houses) produce that usually ruins radar data from close ranges.
ACF Auto Correlation Function,
SNR Signal to Noise Ratio, describes the relationship between noisy data and real data in radar measurement.
Doppler speed (of an object) Speed vector (of an object) that is perpendicular to the radar.
Dual Polarization Modern radars can send their pulses in two of polarizations. Typical radar pulse is a mixture of H(orizontal) and V(ertical) channels. The receiving is done on both channels as well. Many of the radar echoes have a different kind of echo in the other channel.
H Horizontal polarization or channel.
V Vertical polarization or channel.
dBZ Unit of reflectivity.
X, C, Ka, Ku, W (band) Radar bands of different wavelengths are used in radars, since they can detect different phenomena. Some bands are technically also very hard to implement in sending and receiving sense.


Computer Science

GPU Graphical Processing Unit i.e. graphics card of the computer, a very powerful tool for parallel calculations.
CPU Central Processing Unit, i.e. central calculation unit of the computer.
AVX Advanced Vector Extensions, new features, instructions and coding schemes in x86 architecture in microprocessors from Intel and AMD
OpenCL One of the possible methods to utilize GPUs as multipurpose calculation units, implemented in Eigenors products.